Good Monday Afternoon to you Church Fam!
Praying that all of you are well and stayed safe in this Windy Weather!
Much Appreciation!
On behalf of the Mardi Gras Committee, we thank you so very much for your continued support. Despite the inclement weather on Saturday, minus expenses, we still managed to raise close to $1000! Thank you so much!
Black History Month 2024 continues!
Our Theme: "Rooted in Faith; Growing in Grace as the Body of Christ"
HE'S HERE! This past weekend we had the pleasure of hearing Faith Sharing from our own, Mr. Dorgan McDade as well as we welcomed back home, our dear Fr. Leo Edgerly Jr. Thank you again Dorgan and Fr. Leo for opening the Scripture to us and sharing what "Being Black" and being "Rooted in Faith; Growing in Grace as the Body of Christ means to you! This weekend, we welcome Colonel Lisa Krasha-Lamb! She will be Faith Sharing with us at ALL MASSES this coming weekend. (Take a look at her BIO posted below!)
Hosted by the Knights of St. Peter Claver Fr. Jay Matthews, Council #336 in Fr. Jay Matthews Hall on this coming Sunday, February 11, 2024 beginning at 2pm.
This is a FUNDRAISER for our upcoming Scholarship Recipient for 2024.
DONATION is $20.
That includes: ALL YOU CAN EAT Game Day Food and Snacks (including GUMBO!), One (1) Complimentary Adult Beverage, and LOTS OF FUN watching the game on a HUGE SCREEN TV! Additional Adult Beverages will be available for purchase. We'll also have a SUPERBOWL POOL for $10 per SQUARE, as well as RAFFLES and many DOOR PRIZES too! JOIN US! It's for a great cause. Much appreciation for your support in advance.
(Click Flyer Below to RSVP)
- African American Genealogical Society of Northern California
- It's your History! Isn't it time you told your story!?
- The AAFSNC invites you to a Presentation and Conversation on Genealogy.
- Receive information on how to start YOUR Genealogy Tree.
- Free resources to help find your Ancestors, Documents, Genealogy Strategies and much more.
- SUNDAY, February 18, 2024 in Fr. Jay Matthews Hall at 1pm.
- (See Flyer Below)
- Knights of St. Peter Claver Scholarship Fundraiser Casino-Bus-Trip 2024
- Saturday, March 2, 2024
- See Bro. Marvin Millet or Bro. Leonard Pete for more info.
- (See Flyer Below)
As always, thanks to those who have been utilizing our newest Online Giving tool. It's easy and it's SECURE and it goes
DIRECTLY to St. Benedict Catholic Church.
(YES, IT DOES!) As always, simply Scan the QR Code below, or simply go to and give your offering any day, any time, however many times and to whichever collection or ministry you choose.
Didn't grab a Bulletin? Remember you can always grab them here:
Couldn't make it in person to Church this weekend?
Make sure that you hit the SUBSCRIBE Button so that you are always alerted when we go LIVE!
And that's all for now!
Thank you Church Family for your continued support!
God loves you and so do we!
St. Benedict Catholic Church
Oakland, CA